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Static Guards
The presence of one or more static security guard on site 24 hours a day, seven days per week has proven to be an extremely effective method of securing sites and business premises. Even though CCTV is present in the majority of locations your business’s security Is still dependent on the physical presence of a guard to act quickly on any information gathered through CCTV cameras. It is also a well Known fact that the presence of a uniformed static security guard will probably deter the ‘would be’ thief or vandal where CCTV cameras may not. We are specialists in the provision of static security guards for special one-off events such as Conferences and seminars, exhibitions and trade shows, private functions, car park marshalling at outdoor events, exhibit protection for museums, galleries, shows and retail premises at peak periods.
Retail and Store Security/Detectives
Our Store Detectives operate actively in preventing theft and reporting all incidents to the police.
At 3PS our Store Detective work actively together with the store manager to prevent theft from customers and also from staff. A common control is to check staff when leaving work and also check when products are delivered to the store. The Store Detective also conduct secret tests by buying articles, in order to ensure that staff is using the cash-registers appropriately. As a Store Detective it is important to blend in and to work in a way that does not arise any suspision of who you are.
Door Supervisor
3PS Security Ltd is committed to providing the very best security door supervisors (bouncers) and business support staff in the industry. We believe that staff welfare and maintaining high levels of retention are vital to a successful operation. With a highly trained, fully licensed team of security professionals, we provide innovative integrated security solutions to industry, commerce and public sector organizations nationwide.
3PS Security officers undergo a full 5 year screening to BS7858 before commencing operational duties. In addition, we maintain an experienced team of reserve security officers to provide cover in an emergency and also to assist in new contracts where it is essential to have experience and stability from the outset.
Event Security and Response teams
3PS Security can cater for all your crowd management and event security needs by providing a complete service, including crowd safety personnel, pit barrier teams, health and safety officers, traffic management officers and even SIA registered close protection officers for visiting VIP's that you may have attending your event or response teams that need a more highly trained staff. 3PS Security also has a dedicated security dog section. Our four legged team can be used for roles such as search, drug detection and crowd control.
Our event security team, wherever possible are recruited from the venue's local area, ensuring that you are never hit with big added expense of travel costs. Our national teams of experienced event security staff help us to provide this level of service and as a result means staff are always alert and not starting work after a long journey to the event.
3PS can provide a consultancy for commercial and government properties and senior executive homes to ensure that they are safeguarded Against electronic and physical surveillance.
Security, Survey & Consultancy
The company works in conjunction with existing security departments and organisations to produce an independent, objective and un-biased work/study risk assessment, report their findings and advise, where necessary, to correct and improve the existing system. The company continues to watch and monitor the latest equipment on the security market and has no agreement with any manufacturer or Installation Company, so advice tendered is completely un-biased.
3PS offers a Security Consultancy Service Specialising in state of the art technology. After a survey and a security appreciation to assess the threat level, the company will produce a detailed proposal, which include anticipated costing for the proposed scheme. Each survey will be undertaken by two of our consultants.